Llon Penhall Rees

While going through some old papers, I came across some autograph books. One entry perked my interest because he actually had a stamp of himself made. Who does that? He must be someone important (I thought) and I just had to find out who he was.


It did not matter how many ways I typed his name into a search engine, nothing would come up.



At first I thought it was Sion P. S. Rees. Nothing. By going on the last name only, I happened upon someone else looking for him at wiki, only she was searching for a Lion P. S. Rees. It was about a quote that was making its rounds with dog loving people.

“Gratitude: that quality which the Canine Mongrel seldom lacks; which the Human Mongrel seldom possesses!” Lion P.S. Rees

Searching for a Lion Rees proved impossible. Not willing to give up, I kept trying different ways and finally hit pay dirt. It was not Lion, but Llon, two L’s.

I know he was  Rev. Dr. Llon P. S. Rees. He wrote poetry, was into yoga. What else might I find?

He is listed as writing letters to science fiction magazines here.

He was arrested and then freed under The War  Act for handing out literature interfering with recruitment.

(I can’t remember where I found these articles or I would post the source)

From reading these papers, I now know he was a minister of the First Church of the Illuminati. In the other article, the church is listed as “Illuminati Church, Incorporated 1939. He also held a diploma from the Mystic Brotherhood University in Tampa, Florida.

It didn’t stop there. He was a vocal opponent and Secretary Treasurer of The Canadian Anti-Capital Punishment Association located in Toronto, Ontario. Canada’s Executioner must have been asked to join the movement and said he would willingly hang the man who sent him the invitation if he were ever charged with murder.

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From those articles we now that he was also a music teacher.

I did find another Autograph Book in which he was the only one who signed it.


I will post more on the Churches and anything else he belonged to when time permits. I do think he qualifies for an Interesting Person.


Race on Trial” (from google)


Feminized Justice: The Toronto Women’s Court 1913-1934 (from google)

Fellows of the College by examination. pdf
